UK LDI Crisis: Pension Funds Cannot Rely on Sponsors

Pension funds are traditionally well capitalised and usually considered investment grade. Many of the companies that sponsor those funds are weaker credits, and a significant number are non-investment grade. This means that some of the largest DB pension funds in the UK cannot rely on their sponsors for cash support to meet margin calls.

Pension Funds: Does Fund Risk Increase with Lower Rated Sponsors?

Pension provision is changing globally, moving the risk from the sponsoring company to the saver. Public bodies and private firms that still hold significant pension deficits are under increasing scrutiny – what happens if the sponsor runs into financial trouble? This report examines the correlation between sponsor risk and fund risk.

February 2021 Fund Monitor

Request your free copy of the latest Fund Monitor below.  The lack of easily accessible, reliable credit rating information on the vast majority of Funds leads to missed commercial opportunities and frustrating backlogs in onboarding, Know Your Customer (KYC), Agency Lending Disclosure (ALD) and Operational Due Diligence (ODD) processes. Credit Benchmark Credit Consensus Ratings fill this important […]

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